Sure, there are more advanced hosting topics to consider, such as domain name servers and multi-cloud connectivity, but this guide is meant to introduce you to the basics. Whether you decide to build a website yourself or hire coding experts to do the dirty work is up to you. For now, rest easy knowing you have the information to get started in taking your business online.

For instance, if you’ve already set up your /blog subdirectory, you could add a Time to Read cloneable to estimate the reading time for each post. You can clone interactions, buttons ,or entire portfolio websites, depending on what you need for your own how to design a website website. While it can function as both a static and dynamic CMS, you’ll have to purchase WordPress themes and pay for WordPress plugins to get that functionality. Many designers have made the switch from WordPress to Webflow and never looked back.


Additionally, it’s good to incorporate a neutral color for the background and text elements to maintain readability. There isn’t an exact limit to how many secondary colors should be used. However, it’s best to feature between two to three so that the dominant one remains prominent. A great way to pick a dominant color is by referring to color psychology, a study of what different colors mean and what kind of impression they leave on the viewer.

how to design a website

This guide explains all the dos and don’ts of adding animation to your website design. While a website footer won’t be seen right away, it can still be used to help your visitors in a number of ways. For example, it’s a great place for you to add your contact information, social media buttons, or an email sign up form. Choosing a domain also means selecting the right web hosting provider.

What Are Some Website Design Trends?

This is why navigation bars on websites are nearly always displayed across the top of the page. It’s the first thing people are drawn to when landing on the site (read up on website navigation best practices). If you’re in a band, for example, the main purpose of your site will probably be to provide fans with tour information and take bookings for gigs.